Had a great day at the Renegade Craft Fair Saturday.
I discovered the wonderful world of silk screening in High School back in the 70's and it took me on a winding path in my career to where I am now! After going to college for what was reffered to as "Commercial" art I decided I wanted to persue a job in silk screening so I spent years doing Rock Concert Tees then moving on to fashion doing everything imaginable leading up to being a full time freelance surface designer.
Below are the silk screened posters I purchased, each has a link below it to check out more of the artists work.
Click this link to see when the Renegade Craft Fair will be in your area.Renegade Craft Fair
For more info on Vahalla Studios click Here
For more info on Strawberry Luna click Here
Still sentimental after all these years (27)! I really can't claim to be one of those people who never go to bed mad, my husband will tell you that no one holds a grudge like me! But, even when I'm mad I'm always glad he's there when I wake up! For more info on Seattle Show Posters click here

I had to buy this for all the obviuos reasons!For more info on Dwell Deep clickHereLast but certainly not least...How could I resist this little bird!

CALLAN turns 25!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALLAN!!!!! I think the milestone of turning 25 has been weighing on her this past week but I think she will find that this year like every previous year will once again prove to be her best yet! The dino theme is in honor of her prolific dino creations for the wonderful world of surface design.
Callan back in the day wearing one of her original works of art I transfered to a jumper. Callan has been filing sketchbooks since she could hold a pencil, needless to say we have gone through a lot of pencils & paper in 25 years! The now picture was taken last night with her friend Coleen.

Can you ever really have enough Epson Paper? ... No you can't!

I use a ridiculous amount of this paper so when I realized that Staples had it on sale 50% off all my plans for the day changed! I went to 3 stores, got 5 at the first, 7 at the 2nd & then I hit the mother load at the 3rd with a whopping 22! My stash is now securely back up in the 50's! PS. My arms feel 2" longer than they were this morning from carrying a ton of paper & my back is killing me but it was so worth it! Hurry sale ends tomorrow!
Now if only I could find 50% off the ink!
FOLLOW UP....Would you believe 3 days after purchasing all this epson 8 1/2 x 11 paper I ran out of 11 x 14 & had to go get paper! Once again you can never have enough epson paper on hand!

Mother's Day Past

It can't be easy living in Callan's creative shadow, she is afterall the best. Today I thought I'd show you just 2 of my most treasured Mother's day gifts made by Joseph back in the day when I could still get him to make me art! An older kid taught him to play poker when he was 4, as he later told me he's really quite good at it, hence the use of the cards. The heart was done with Fabric crayons (my favorite medium) when he was just a toddler. Now in all fairness when it comes to certain things like math & computer technology & poker Callan is living in his very big shadow so it all evens out! I'm a lucky Mom!

Life is better in Orange shoes!...just sayin'

My friend Betty turned me on to Keens about 3 years ago and I have worn them every day weather permitting since! Winter is obviously out of the question but the first nice day, out they come. After 3 years they still have a lot of mileage left in them but I retired them to be my garden shoes & bought a bright new pair for steppin out!

Worst book that I ever Read!

It's been so long since I posted anything that it's not even snowing anymore! I've been wanting to do this post for awhile & tonight I'm finally making the time. Like most people I find there are not enough hours in the day to do all I have to do never mind any left to waste. This is where the worst book I ever read comes in.
The movie "Up in the air" with George Clooney got so much good press that when I saw the book in Costco I picked it up thinking as I often do...if the move is great than the book must be way better! Am I wrong on this or hasn't that always been the standard? Well that theory has forever been altered. I have a habit of finishing a book no matter how dull or bad thinking maybe it'll get better. Well that is over now also! I finally saw the movie & no surprise the movie did not resemble the book at all, it's first step towards success. I never read reviews on books before I choose one, I've even bought books simply because I liked the cover art - not always a wise choice either, but after this experience that may also change. I looked at the reviews after I finished the book & everyone agreed this was the worst book we all read! So bad in fact it went straight into the recycle bin not to be mistakenly mixed in with all the good books to be donated & enjoyed by others!

"Irish Twins" - "Irish triplets" - "Irish Quadruplets"

Happy Birthday Pat! For one month every year my sister Pat & I are the same age. We are what's know as "Irish Twins". We grew up being called this, in fact as you might guess by our age (53) it was a very common thing. What I didn't know was that we are actually considered "Irish Triplets" because my younger brother Steve, Pat & I were all born within 2 years - can you imagine!
EASTER 1963 Steve, Pat, Margaret
BELOW Summer 1963 Pat, Steve, Margaret & Tom
I feel bad leaving my older brother Tom out, he is 18 months older than me which eliminates him but 4 kids in 4 years we're making him an honorary "Irish Quadruplet"! They say that the "Irish Twins" "Triplets" etc tend to be very close because of the closeness in age and I think it is very true. They are 3 of my favorite people. We have 2 more sisters but they are much younger and spaced further apart.


I "HEART" what Joe made me for Valentines Day. It's made from 1/2" thick steel plate & weighs a ton. The 24 is our house # and also our anniversay day. I got him a big ice cream cake which made him happier than anything I could possibly make him!