With the exception of the occasional wedding or funeral I have managed to avoid going to church since I got to the age my mother could no longer "force" us to go & that's a long time. So I found it at the very least amusing that I paid 32 pounds for me & Callan get into West Minster Abbey, my treat since It's the first time I "made" her go to church!
I lit a candle for my Mom
This statue was the first thing I saw when I entered, she so looks like I feel sometimes!
I found the ceilings to be the most beautiful part.
One last note on the Abbey, they should take part of the admission fee & put it towards improving the rest rooms. How does a church that size only have a 5 stall bathroom & not all in working order? Funny part is it was a unisex bathroom so the guys who are usually in & out got a taste of what we ladies go through on the line for the "loo"!
And finally the lesser known St Margaret's Church is right next door, smaller and less ornate but free & very pretty.